a quiet, contemplative and energised space near Jeolikote
in Nainital District, a hermitage was built for yogis
in a space where many Himalayan masters have meditated
since 1133. This hermitage was intended for meditating
ascetics and built as a symbolic reminder of particular
realms and fields familiar to yogis. The Mahayog Academy
has now opened this hermitage to create a meeting
ground between the spiritual masters and sages of
India and the 21st century person who is a product
of the environment he is familiar with. We request
you to respect tradition and simplicity and re-acquaint
yourself with our ancient heritage and Vedic traditions.
While all modern facilities are being provided for
your ease, please keep in mind this is not a hotel
or a vacation destination. |
are high levels of stress
in contemporary urban society.
Individuals are aware of a
deeply felt need to learn
techniques that enhance well-being
and improve lifestyle. |

The Mahayog Academy conducts regular basic courses which can be followed by advanced courses in Siddhis, Kundalini Awakening, Sankalpa (towards Samadhi) and Healing & Self-rejuvenation.
Anyone who has completed the basic course may register for
Meditation Retreats at the Yoga Academy or for any of the advanced
5-day Introductory Course scheduled for:
16 May - 21st May 2006
are high levels of stress in contemporary urban society.
Individuals are aware of a deeply felt need to learn techniques
that enhance well-being and improve lifestyle. The 5-day
Basic Courses are designed to promote physical fitness and
provide mental and intellectual stimulation that boosts
motivation, optimises potential and generates self-confidence.
They focus on healthy coping mechanisms and emotional maturity.
They put you in touch with the core of your being, which
is spiritual in essence. This is achieved through yoga -
the complementary practices of yama, niyama, asana, pranayama,
pratyahara, dharana and dhyana which lead to samadhi (regulation,
restraint and control, postures, breath energy, withdrawal
of the senses, concentration, contemplation and meditation).
course is intended for beginners to meditation and yogic
practices and also for meditators who want a conducive environment
to meditate. The courses are geared towards personal and
spiritual development. They provide knowledge of yogic techniques
and practices and give an opportunity for interaction with
spiritually minded people.
register early to avoid disappointment, because the course
size is limited to 30 participants only. Mahayogi Kapil
Adwait, Mahamandaleshwar of the Juna Akhara, and a Himalayan
Master will be taking some special classes for the advanced courses. .