is a journey into yourself.
Mahayogi Pilotbaba
not store up treasures for yourselves on earth, where moths and
woodworms destroy them and thieves can creak in and steal. But store
up treasure for yourselves in heaven… For where your treasure
is, there will your heart also be.
Mt 6:19f
The man
whose life is centred around producing, selling and consuming commodities
transforms himself into a commodity
Carl Jung, 1964
we regain the art of silence and insight, the ability for non activity,
unless we substitute true leisure for our hectic amusements, we
will destroy our culture and ourselves…Leisure that allows
time for the contemplation of God. Leisure has been and always will
be the first foundation of any culture.
Joseph Pieper, ‘The Basis of Culture’
There are
saints and monks and other people who, in one sense were unemployed,
but they were very intensely employed in the spiritual sense. Contemplation
is especially an Indian tradition. But the West in the past few
centuries has deliberately turned away from this and has become
extraverted. We have turned to quest of the material nature, and
have therefore become very rich in the material sense. But we are
poor spiritually.
Arnold Toynbee
Brahmangnan Brahmanabutam
Brahmaiva tena gantavyam
Brahma Karma Samadhinah
He, Brahman, is the sacrifice,
The fire, and the worshipper,
Whoever is aware of him
Gains freedom and attains to me.
Bhagvad Gita
If it
has not been for the law, I should not have known sin
St Paul from Romans 7:7
But if you are led of the Spirit, you are
not under the law
Golatians 5:18
abhijatasyeva maner grahitri-grahana-grahyeshu tatstha-tadanjanata
When the modifications of the mind vanish, it becomes like a transparent
crystal, attaining the power of transformation (samapatti), taking
on the colour of what it rests on, whether it be the cogniser, the
cognised or the act of cognition.
What is
the meaning of the journey?
Seeking the truth and practising compassion
That is the meaning of the journey
From the Tibetan book of the dead
enlightenment – chop wood and carry water
After enlightenment – chop wood and carry water
Zen saying
What can be said but not practised, better
left unsaid,
What can be practised but not spoken off, better left unpractised.
Zen saying
I know millions of people who want
to be gurus, but who wants to be a disciple?
One may
cast into the river a ton of thoughts and cling to an ounce of practice
Traditional Indian
But, to
achieve the marvellous, it is precisely the unthinkable that must
be thought
Jitterbug Perfume, Tom Robbins
are two witnessing stages: Beingness witnesses all manifestation;
witnessing of this beingness – consciousness, happens to that
eternal principle, the Absolute.
Sri Nisargadatha Maharaj
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak
and remove all doubt.
I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.
Walt Whitman
Two roads diverged in the woods,
I have taken the one less travelled by and that has made all the
Robert Frost
From within the place where we are convinced of being right
No flowers will ever grow in springtime.
Yehuda Amichai
The attempts to prove God’s existence by dialectical
arguments as an inference from the existing world … (are)
ultimately, a non sequitur. Every effort to probe God’s nature…
is a sterile endeavour, a presumption, and represents a kind of
spiritual idolatry. We know God primarily through faith, in response
to the prompting of the heart. It is only on the level of primitivism
that we focus on God as an essence, an entity, apart of the world.
As we rise towards maturity our focus shifts from a preoccupation
with God as a separate entity to divine ideals, which emanates from
God and seek embodiment in the structures of life.
Ben Zion Boxer
In the Light of the mighty idea of the unity of existence,
there is eliminated the problem of self-love, which some have made
into the source of all sin, and others into the source of all morality.
There is only love for all things, which is in truth an enlightened,
a nobler kind of self-love. The distorted love that loves only the
puny spark, seen in our myopic vision and hates the authentic love
– this is a kind of blindness that is foolish as it is wicked.
Avraham Yitzchak Kook, ‘Sacred Lights’
Suffering is the result of ignorance… and ignorance
in essence, is the belief in a truly existing self and in the solidity
of phenomenon.
M. Ricard, ‘The Monk and the Philosopher’
He who wants to be good, knocks at the gate
He who loves, finds the door open.
Rabindarnath Tagore
can we determine whether a person is holy or not? When one come
in contact with a real saint, without fail, his or her influence
will increase one’s hunger for God. And this hunger for God
is an ingredient needful for realisation of God.
Elizabeth Harding
The thought manifests as the word:
The word manifests as the deed
The deed develops into habit:
And habit hardens into character.
Therefor, watch the thought and its ways with care
And let it spring from love born out of concern for all beings.
The Buddha
Wisdom teaches me I am nothing
Love teaches me I am everything
Between these two pole my life flows.
Sri Nisargadatha Maharaj
is very difficult to explain this feeling to anyone who is without
it… The individual feels the nothingness of human desires
and aims, and the sublimity and marvellous order, which reveals
themselves both in nature, and in the world of thought. He looks
upon the individual existence as a sort of a prison and wants to
experience the universe as a single significant whole.
Albert Einstein on the nature of mystical experience
Lord, make me a vessel of your peace
Where there is hate, bring love
Where there is perjury, bring pardon
Where there is doubt, bring faith
Where there is despair, bring hope
Where there is darkness, bring light
Where there is sadness, bring joy.
St Francis of Assisi
A butterfly comes, the flower opens
The flower opens, a butterfly comes.
We can’t get ‘it’ the way we wanted, or
we would have done ‘it’ by now…
Yanai Polenchik